When you get a new card or open a new account for a bank that’s already linked and the new accounts are under the same credentials as your existing account, you can go through the relink process to connect that new account. Note that you cannot link multiple logins at the same financial institution.
You should not completely unlink your bank as this may cause duplicates if fully unlinked, then added again.
To Manage Which Accounts From a Particular Bank are Linked
In the mobile app, tap the 3 dots icon in the top left corner or on the web app, click on the gear icon in the top right corner
Select ‘Banks & Integrations’
Click ‘+Add Account’
In the top section labeled ‘Already Linked Banks and Integrations,’ click ‘Relink’ next your bank
Follow the prompts to enter your credentials
Select the accounts you want linked
After doing so, your accounts will appear as linked (toggled on). You’ll be able to toggle off the switch next to any accounts that you do not want linked.