If there are bank accounts or credit cards that you no longer want to track in your Hurdlr account (i.e. you closed the account, you’re no longer using that account for business, etc), you can unlink them. We don’t recommend unlinking your bank/credit card unless you no longer want to track it or for very specific integration situations that require it (before trying to fix an integration issue yourself by unlinking your account, please reach out to our team).
If you unlink and re-add your bank, it can cause your transactions to be duplicated.
To unlink a bank account or credit card in Hurdlr:
Tap the 3 dots in top left corner on the mobile app, or click the gear icon in top right corner on the web app
Select 'Banks and Integrations'
Toggle off any accounts that you want to unlink
To fully unlink a bank or credit card, toggle off all of the switches for that financial institution
When you get a pop up asking if you want to unlink it, tap 'Yes'
Unlinking a bank account or credit card does not remove the transactions that have already been pulled into your Hurdlr account.