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Is there an Advanced Search option? (Pro)
Updated over 11 months ago

Hurdlr Pro offers an advanced search feature for all income and expenses which allows you to filter your search for Date Range, Vendor, Amount Range, Category, Type, Transaction Name, Account Number, Business, Client, and Notes. This is a helpful tool to find specific transactions that you may be looking for.

The advanced search feature is only available to Hurdlr Pro users, however, Free and Premium users have access to the basic search feature.

To use the Advanced Search Feature

  1. Log into the web app

  2. Navigate to the Transactions Dashboard > Money Out/Money In

  3. Click the blue drop-down arrow in the search bar

  4. Enter all the filters and search criteria you want to apply

  5. Click the orange ‘Search’ button at the bottom

  6. If you need to reset the search criteria, just hit ‘Reset’ in blue

If you’d like to search for transactions from a specific bank account or credit card, you can click the ‘All Expense/Income’ accounts option in the Advanced Search, select one (or more) accounts that you’d like to view transactions for, then click ‘Done’.

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